Sunday, May 22, 2011

Thank You LOVER!!!!


Thankz sayang tok nokia 5800... Galaxy tab lambat lg baru boleh pkai... haha...
I Love You aby!!! Owg akan jg hp yg aby bg mcm owg jg die taw.. haha.. muahx..muahx!!!!!!!!!

p/s : JANGAN JELEZ!!!! haha!! :)


Hey awak2 semue... Slalu mcm ni... xde peluang lgsg nk update blog ni... hmm... Hari 2 aku bertekak ngan si Fazly pasal ade budak laki ni text aku kt fb... Mcm2 kot yg jd bulan ni... Haih.. naik pening pale otak aku ni pk sal ni... Dah la budak 2 text aku... bergadoh lg ngan Fazly.. Pnat kot gado2 ni... Dah lepas 1 mslh.. tambah plak lg 1....!!! Sumpah sakit hati!! Ade lak mulot yg cm haram yg pegi buat mulot ckp aku kuwa ngan jantan len... sumpah!
Iye!!! mmg aku kuwa.. Mmg betol Ade laki.... Die ex aku.. Tp aku ngan die kwn jer kot... kuar pon bkn nyer ber2 oke!!! Ramai2.. Gurl die pon ade mse 2!!! Aku mmg rapat ngan die... Ape ke bengap sgt la org2 ni kan.. Mulot bau same busuk mcm 'TAIK BABI'!!
Korang nih mmg xde hobi laen ker slaen sbok jge tepi kain org??? Sajer jer nk rosak kan hubungan kitorang kan.. KEJE BODOH korang tau??? Sikit pon x menjejaskan tau.... haha..
Sayang!!! Yg aby ni pon 1!!! kiter dah kwn dah kat 4 taon lbeyh... Aby kenal saper owg!!! Selama kiter kawan.. Die sndr tau yg owg ni cukop setia ngan die kan.. So?? ap lg tah yg ade jer yg nk jd stalker BODOH .. Betteer korang pg lah buat bende yg boleyh mendatangkan faedah ngan manfaat pd korang... Stop lah korang BODOH-BODOH kan diri korang keyh??? Haha.. berdekah la!!


Sunday, May 15, 2011

STUPID!! BASTARD!! IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sumpah hari ni rase mcm nk maki hamun org...!!! Sedeyh gler kot!! Mcm besar sgt salah aku kot pde die.. ade la sorang mamat ni im aku... die plak nk marah2 maki aku.. aku tak melayan sgt pon die.. Tp knp ekh?? Bukan nyer aku g bastar die then kuar ngan jantan laen kot..... Knp slh aku jer yg nmpk?? Cukup baik dah aku tk balas blik ap yg kau pnah buat kt aku dlu... Sakit  rase lg tau x sampai skrg!!!!!

Kenape kau boleyh lyn org lain baik2..?? Tp aku x??? Ape lg yg x kne ngan aku??? Kadang2 aku rase yg kau ni mcm benci sgt ngan aku... knp?? Pe slap aku kt kau?? Dah x syg aku?? Tros trang jer..BOLEYH ????? Tp tolong jgn wat aku mcm ni!!!

Kau ngan kawan2 kau bahan aku b... Thankx sgt... aku ingat b... aku x lupe pe kau buat aku.... Dah cukup slame ni aku mkn hati ngan kau... Aku syg kau.. kau tau 2?? Tp kau?? lw kau syg aku.. x buat aku mcmni...!!!!!!!!!!!



Monday, May 9, 2011


Sumpah.. Perasaan aku skrg ni b'rcmpor baur!!! Takot sgt sbb esok... Takot sbb terpakse akur dgn ape yg Dr.Lu ckp esok.. Takot result check up makin terok.. Takot sbb buat echo sakit... Ya Allah.. Kuatkan lah hamba mu ini ya Allah!! :(

Mlm ni Fazly pg futsal.. Sblom die grak nk balik dari keje lg die da rojer kt aku awal2 soh siap2 ikot die... Tp x tau la knp ngan ap yg x kene ngan aku hari ni.. contact die lgsg x.. call die pon aku x pick up lgsg.. msg die.. lg la.. x berbalas.. x tau la.. Aku cume nk rase sorang2 jer hari ni... Andai kate nasib x menyebelahi aku??? Family?? Pakwe kesayangan aku?? mcm mane?? rase nye dah x kuat nk berdepan ngan nk nanges pon ade kot.. Tp,,lau ape pon... Biar la yg atas tentukan...

Malam ni sumpah aku tak leyh tdo... Kalau la ade permintaan terakhir yg aku bleyh buat.. Korang tau ape yg aku tgh pikir skrg??? Aku nak rase dpt hidop lame sikit ngan org2 yg aku sayang... Mmg susah nk gmbarkan ape yg aku rase skrg... Sbb aku sndr pon pening... huuhhhhhh........................

Tp.... Fazly ade ckp something ngan aku td.. pasal pertunangan kitorg... Die ckp hantaran nk ltak iphone ngan samsung galaxy tab... Happy 2 mmg la happy.. Tp... cm nk nanges plak pas dgr die ckp mcm 2... Aku terleas ckpktt die.. "Tunang??? Kalau sempat??" ya Allah.. knp ngan aku ni??? Sumpah aku xde niat lgsg sayang... owg cme takot tak pat hdop lame jer...

Issssshhh!!!!!!!!! Stupid la wawa ni... mengarot tah pape jer...

Pape pon thankx sayang cz usaha kan semue ni...

I Love U

Sunday, May 8, 2011


I want this Samsung Galaxy Tab!!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Pn. Fauziah Abd Shukor

Before I was a Mom -I slept as late as I wanted and never worried about how late I got into bed. I brushed my hair and my teeth everyday.Before I was a Mom -I cleaned my house each day. I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations.Before I was a Mom -I had never been puked on - Pooped on - Spit on - Chewed on, or Peed on. I had complete control of my mind and My thoughts. I slept all night.Before I was a Mom -I never held down a screaming child so that doctors could do tests...or give shots. I never looked into teary eyes and cried. I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin. I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom -pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt. I never knew that something so small could affect my life
so much. I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom -I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put it down. I never felt my heart break into a million I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body. I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby. I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child. I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important.Before I was a Mom -I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay. I had never known The warmth, The joy, The love, The heartache, The wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom. I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much before I was a Mom.

Only One MotherHundreds of stars in the pretty sky,
Hundreds of shells on the shore together,
Hundreds of birds that go singing by,
Hundreds of lambs in the sunny weather.
Hundreds of dewdrops to greet the dawn,
Hundreds of bees in the purple clover,
Hundreds of butterflies on the lawn,
But only one mother the world wide over.

Wonderful Mother God made a wonderful mother,
A mother who never grows old;
He made her smile of the sunshine,
And He moulded her heart of pure gold;
In her eyes He placed bright shining stars,
In her cheeks fair roses you see;
God made a wonderful mother,
And He gave that dear mother to me.

Mother's Love Her love is like
an island in life's ocean,
vast and wide
A peaceful, quiet shelter
From the wind, the rain, the tide.
'Tis bound on the north by Hope,
By Patience on the West,
By tender Counsel on the South
And on the East by Rest.
Above it like a beacon light
Shine Faith, and Truth, and Prayer;
And thro' the changing scenes of life
I find a haven there.


Friday, May 6, 2011

hye peepss~!!!~

Lame kot dah tak update blog nih... Dulu... Blog nih la tmpat aku nk luahkan semue problem ngan kusot kepale otak ni.. Tp skrg.. dah jarang sgt on9.. Bz kot.. rindu jugak kt blog nih... haha.. Stupid kan...? haha... Dalam selama tak on9 ni.. Happy gler kot... Hang out,,Hang out,,&Tros hang out.. Best... Taman merdeka..kampung (main2 panjat pokok kelapa lg) haha.. Pas2 pegi rumah sayang aku yg sorang ni kt tmn u... sbb lame ta jumpe mak ngan abah... mak(Fazly) bg handbag... haha.. Comel kot... Thanks mak...!!! Then tros hang out sampai aku pon lupe pg maner jer.. hehe..

Then Sblm 1 hari birthday abg.. Ktrg 1 family pegi celebrate... Seronok sgt.. pegi karaoke... pegi makn kt dataran... Sumpah happening gler!!! Esok nyer 01/05/2011... Ktorang wat party kt rumah... Tok kite2 jer... kak ieqa yg masak... best... Tiup lilin... haha... Giler kan... 
Pape pon aku bertuah ngan bersyukor sgt2 dpt family cm ni... ngn dpt korang jd abg,kakak ngan adik2 aku.. thankz korang... Nak sgt sampai bler2 pon kite dpt kekalkan mcm ni...

Sayang... aku tak pat nk cter panjang2 kt korang... sbb si Fazly aku 2 call ajak g karaoke lg... itu jer la rutin harian kitorang... Haha... Si aliff aizat ni pon 1... bler time ajak g karaoke... malas la... Ini skarg ajak g karaoke plak.. Haih... LAYANKAN KORANG LA SAYANG.. haha.. 
Bye.... ~2 be continue~ 

P/s : I Love U'LL   


Part Of My Life